Title Curative

Brock &Scott’s Title Curative and Litigation group has extensive experience representing mortgage servicers, title insurance companies, property owners, banks, investors and other asset holders who seek to resolve challenging or complex defects in chains of title. We give our clients practical advice and work diligently to determine and fix the title defects first without the necessity of litigation. If litigation becomes necessary, we have experience addressing all manner of claims, such as quiet title, declaration of priorities, equitable subrogation, and breach of contract, fraud and foreclosure.


Our firm has an advanced understanding of real estate, escrow and title law. Seasoned attorneys within this group have practical knowledge that produce quality results. This division handles all types of residential and commercial title issues including but not limited to:

  • Title insurance claims and coverage issues
  • Legal description issues
  • Easements, right of way and access issues;
  • Mobile home title issues
  • Lien priority disputes
  • Quiet title actions
  • Forgeries and fraudulent conveyances
  • Title reformation actions
  • Title transfers and acquisition disputes
  • Boundary and property line disputes
  • Zoning, land use and contract disputes
  • Restrictive covenants and deeds
  • Mechanics liens and lien-priority and validity disputes
  • Partition of real property
  • Adverse possession
  • Surveying errors
  • Real property ownership
  • Tax Sale Review


Our staff has an expert knowledge within our geographic footprint and national title standards along with vast experience in mortgage default related title examination. This allows us to identify and cure title defects that often arise in the complex foreclosure and litigation processes. Our ultimate objective is to provide our clients with a clear and marketable title in order to facilitate the expedited sale of their asset.